Sunday, June 17, 2012

Mom hugs and Vanilla Pudding

Regina to Broadview - 158 kms

Leaving Regina was easy with a south west wind leaving me with an lazy ride for the day. For the most part the ride was uneventful up to Indian Head, Sk.  I stopped there for lunch and asked the tourist   info center where the best place to get some food was.  The gentleman there told me the restaurant at the Esso station was both good and cheap.  I was skeptical but when I walked in the place was full.  I stood there for a few minutes waiting for a place to sit.  The server said that Jim mentioned I could sit with him so I rolled over and met Jim.  Jim Smith is 73 and has lived in Indian head his entire life.  He grew up doing rodeo (calf roping I think) and then owned a farm with his wife for a number of years.  Now his wife runs a bed and breakfast out of his house and he works on a 19,000 acer farm.  Basically he drive tractor all day and then spends 3 months in the winter in Arizona every year.  Jim was awesome and for the whole meal I maybe got 3 words in.  It was nice to have company at lunch and learn about life in the area from an expert.

About 45 minutes down the road I ran into Hirotaka.  No matter what crazy thing you are doing there is somebody out there doing something more hardcore and crazy than what you are doing. Hirotaka is walking from Vancouver to Toronto....yup.....walking.  He had all his gear on a kart and was just strolling down the highway.  His English was not the greatest but he start out 50 days ago from when I met him.  What was crazy I mentioned this to my friend Darcy and he said that he saw him when he was going through Crowsnest Pass.  Darcy's buddy even gave him a jacket.  I tossed him some food and took a few pictures and headed on my way in aww.  Made it to Broadview and didn't see one 'broad' and went to bed after making some poor eating choices.

Things I learned yesterday:
- Sun and a side/tail wind make me a lot more happy than a headwind and rain
- There is a new level to 'going for a walk'
- Apparently 19,000 acre farms are more common than you would think
- After a long day riding one should not eat a whole 13" bacon, mushroom and pepperoni pizza to them self followed by an ice cream cone.  It will be awesome at the time but later you will not feel good. My brother stated that it will turn into rocket fuel when I mentioned it to him but I was more thinking that it was going to turn into a panic poop on the prairie.

Broadview to Virden - 137 kms

One of my favorite things about cycling is the reward for effort you get.  When climbing a mountain you get to bomb down the other side.  This makes the effort measurable and it has an goal or an end point.  Most of the rides I do we assess where the wind is coming from then start off into the wind so when we turn around we get to zoom home and feel like heroes riding with the wind to finish the ride. Effort and reward.  The thing about riding east from point to point means you are stuck with whatever conditions you are dealt.  Today I was dealt some crappy conditions.

My parents were going to meet me at the end of my ride today in Virden so this morning I was pumped to get to Mom and Dad hugs as well as vanilla pudding (I love vanilla pudding and my Mom knows this).  Getting on the highway the wind is directly in my face and blowing hard. Then about 20 minutes later it starts to rain.  The wind was blowing so hard the rain was stinging (my new facial hair did not help...stupid weak beard).  It took me about 4 hours to make it the 74 kms to Moosomin and my legs were spent. I was wet and freezing and just sat at Subway shivering.  My parents were only 20 minutes away so they came to meet me there.  We sat for an hour chatting and me resting. I gave them my bags and head back on the road for the final 65ish k to Virden.  There was no way I would have made it here today without them coming to meet me and would probably have tapped out in Moosomin.  Without the panniers in the wind and less the weight of my gear I was able to pedal the rest of the way. Rolled across the Manitoba boarder and then 20 kms outside of Virden there were lighting strikes all around me and the rain doubled its effort.  In the end I rolled in Virden destroyed.

Still a good Father's Day!

Today I learned:

- My parents are AWESOME! (I already knew this but I thought I would state it again)
- 137 kms of wind is about all I can take
- Remember how I said I was Thor because I can ride though a thunder storm.  Turns out this Thor is a wuss and lighting and thunder makes me pedal harder...scary
- Pizza does not help you ride

It has been brought to my attention that its hard to find where to donate on this blog so here is the link again (secure form link below) I have also added a link in my description on the about section on the right had side.  So if you have been enjoying what you are reading feel free to make a donation to Peloton65 and the James Fund. Thanks for reading and the support!


  1. Ack! Deleted my previous comment in order to fix the damn apostrophe in my name... to no avail.

    Here it is:

    Looking good, Girman! And, oh, how I love that sign.
    You're killing it. Keep it up!

  2. Thanks Erica! I will be back in Calgary at the end of July to say hi...
